Our Body-Centered Process

All experience is essentially a body experience, and the language of your body is sensation. As the sensory organs of your body take in, relay, and transform energetic signals generated either by external events in your environment or by internal physiological events inside your body, the signals are changed or transduced into a language that your cells can understand.  After receiving the memo, your cells and your nervous system respond appropriately to maintain optimal health, vitality, and wellbeing.

Online Holistic Health Wellness Coach Maureena Bivins Anxiety Stress Overwhelm Mindfulness Resilience Self-Care Body Centered Process

You may find it hard to believe that your body and nervous system are designed to help you maintain a sense of calm and relaxation when you struggle with:

  • a racing, pounding heart

  • shortness of breath

  • sweating

  • nervousness

  • hypervigilence

  • fearful thoughts

  • panic attacks

Online Holistic Health Wellness Coach Maureena Bivins Anxiety Stress Overwhelm Mindfulness Resilience Self-Care Body Centered Process

What are the consequences of living in a chronic state of anxiety?

  • Excessive wear and tear on stress regulating systems

  • Reduced capacity to fluidly adapt to change

  • Increased health risks from relief-seeking behaviors

  • Desperation to quell unpleasant feelings and sensations associated with anxiety and worry

 What’s needed? New strategies!


Learn to interpret body signals (sensation) correctly

Consciously work with your nervous system

Implement strategies that slow down activation

Cultivate resources that lead to effective adaptation


The easier it is to access states of calm, the easier it will be for you to build long-term health, enjoy satisfying relationships, and maintain an inner sense of safety and wellbeing.

Stress and Inflammation Disease Model Anxiety Overwhelm Stress

Stress and Inflammation

Another factor associated with chronic stress is inflammation.  When your  flight/fight response is activated, an inflammatory hormonal cascade is released to help you heal, in case you’re injured in an actual life-threatening event. However, with chronic stress, these chemicals are not needed, but they’re still released because your nervous system doesn’t know the difference between real danger and perceived danger.

 In time, prolonged activation of stress hormones damages body tissues and systems, leaving you susceptible to chronic stress-induced disease.

You can’t leave this situation to chance, hoping that it will somehow go away.  As the energy or “charge” of distress reverberates through your body, it will impact the normal physiological flow of multiple biological pathways, affecting your long-term health.

Online Holistic Health Wellness Coach Maureena Bivins Anxiety Stress Overwhelm Mindfulness Resilience Self-Care

By consciously and purposefully working with the energetic patterns and sensations that arise when you feel threatened or overwhelmed, you can begin to soften their impact, returning your nervous system to a balanced state of equilibrium more quickly.  Our evidence-based 3-Step REDUCE ANXIETY program has been created to do just that!